Automotive 2035

“Becoming the ultimate icon on the road.”

Timeline: September 2022 - December 2022

Course Team Project

Tool: Figma, Miro


The Automotive 2035 project involved redesigning the future brand of BMW by designing iterations of the Heads-Up Display (HUD) interface and human-centered interaction of a vehicle using emotion tracking, AI assistant and augmented reality.

The goal was to envision the future possibility of driving experience with the help of AI assistant, mixed reality, and other emerging technologies.

Customize based on mood detection

Real time environment rendering

Sensors and cameras to capture instant mood

Advanced mode helps to drive safely with a calm mood

Problem Statement

How might we provide the tools for drivers to personalize their vehicle and highlight nuances of their unique personalities?

Brand & User Research


Design Solutions

Design System

Developed a design system to ensure the consistency across the project. The system includes consistent typography, scale, line, color, and icons.


Testing and Refinement

10+ user tests were conducted for the interfaces and refined the interaction experiences to improve usability and user satisfaction. By keeping refining the interactions based on the results, I demonstrated flexibility and adaptability in responding to feedback to improve the overall user experience

Final Deliverables


The final design solution envisioned the future of automotive with emotion tracking to help drivers enjoy better driving experiences and to showcase their unique personality. The design system ensured consistency across different iterations. The overall user experience was enhanced through multiple rounds of testing and refinement.